Social media are basically interactive technologies that allow the generation or sharing/ exchange/ creation/engagement of ideas, careers, passion, lifestyle, and other such forms of expression through virtual communities and online networks. Today, social networking has spread its usage and value across different platforms such as mobile phones to the connected laptop in the office. This trend is perhaps one of the most important manifestations of the digital revolution and it is slowly taking over the traditional modes of communication. There is no longer any need to rely on traditional media for getting into touch with your loved ones, colleagues, friends or even strangers. You can use the services of social media websites just by posting a message or upload some pictures and this becomes the first mode of interaction after the introduction of chat rooms.
LinkedIn – It is one of the most popular and well known social media website that allows its users to create a network that is based on their professional and personal interests. This is done by collecting and categorizing all the interests of a user and then connecting them with each other based on these common interests. One can also search other profiles in LinkedIn using keywords and search options. This makes it very easy for individuals to search for their favorite groups, communities, or professional organizations. Apart from the network generated through the keywords, other types of social media networks can also be searched through the keywords used in the profile itself.
Blogging – The blogging world is rapidly spreading its wings like fire. Now it is possible for people to share their views and thoughts in a virtual environment, thanks to the introduction of blogging platforms such as WordPress, blogger and squid. There are many blogging websites that are popular such as WordPress, Google blogger, and My blog, among others.
Social bookmarking – This is a process of collective publishing of web content on various sharing websites such as StumbleUpon, Delicious, Reddit, Digg, and others. It is done by marking websites and web pages as favorites so that other users can easily access them. Popular social bookmarking platforms include Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, and Propeller amongst others. The act of social bookmarking automatically generates traffic to the websites listed on such social media network.
Networking – Social networking has definitely taken the Internet by storm. This concept involves gathering of friends, colleagues and relatives and forming social relationships with them. The social experience is enhanced when people are able to connect and share their ideas with the help of social networks. Some of the major networking sites on the Internet include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Foursquare amongst many others. There are various ways of getting connected and sharing one’s experiences with other people through these popular networks.
Shopping Centres – Online shopping has gained immense popularity over the years. Nowadays, people prefer to shop online because they find it convenient to purchase products from such stores. These shopping platforms allow consumers to browse through a range of products in a convenient manner. People can also make reviews about the products they have purchased and post them on the platforms. Shopping platforms are very useful for brands who want to boost their online marketing strategies. They can utilize these platforms to share information about their products and services, as well as reach out to their audience.